Board of Directors Meetings for 2012

Grand Island Lions Club
BoD Meeting January 25, 2012

Attendance: (9 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassett, Fred Ruocco, Al Ackerman, Dick Crawford, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee. 
Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 8:34 PM.
Treasurers Report: $7000 in the welfare, $1200-$1500 in the General fund.  Lion Dick needs to pay the international dues.  There are no members that have not paid their annual dues.
Dr. Sandra Sieminski:  She will be our speaker at an upcoming meeting.  She has just joined the Ross Eye Institute.  Our club had made an initial donation of $500 many years ago.  There is new equipment available that would allow for  better technology for glaucoma surgery. Vision Beyond Sight is $11 K shy of purchasing this new piece of equipment.  Lion Tom made a motion that the Club make 2 payments of $500 and Lion Tom will apply for matching funds through Ray Wheeler.  The club is eligible to do this twice a year up to $500. $500 will be given to Dr. Sandra Sieminski towards the cost of the equipment when she presents on March 14th.  Seconded by Lion Paul.  Vote:  all in favor, motion passed.  Lion Dick will go through the budget.  With the matching funds we can give $2000 
Items of Discussion 
Lion Fred suggested that the club not purchase an Uplinger Award through the district.
Lion Paul:  Peace Poster:  Lion Paul made a motion that we purchase the PP kit, and the winning monies of $250 and the purchase of the dinners, and reimbursement of Marla Crawford to purchase 2 additional frames.  Seconded by Lion Dave.  Vote:  all in favor, motion passed.
Lion Paul:  Lions Brochures:  Lion Paul proposed that we hand out brochures at the pertinent events, spaghetti dinner, white cane, Christmas tree, etc. A motion was made to purchase a box of brochures for $62.50 or so to have the brochures printing.  Lion Dave suggested that maybe we need to have 1000 brochures.  A suggestion was made to add pictures of the club doing community service.  Lion Dave will find approximately 12 pictures.  The funds will come out of general fund.  The motion is for the replacement of bookmarks for brochures.  All in favor,  Motion passed.  Lion Henry and Lion Paul will review the brochure
Lion Paul:  Editorial from the Buffalo News regarding replacement of 30k trees that were lost in the October storm a few years ago.  The article explained that a donation of $40 would be matched by the Sabres foundation for a total of $80.  Lion Tom W also stated that LCIF President Tam would like for LC worldwide to plant 1 million trees.  Lion Dick is liaison to the towns conservation and environmental committee.  We could purchase 10 trees and plant them in Veterans Park.  Lion Dick will look into the cost of good size tree through the town.
Lion Tom Witkowski:  Photo screenings.  Lion Tom would like to train some individuals to do the photo screenings.  He will work on this project. 
GI Alumni Associations Comedy Night is This Saturday night at the GI Holiday Inn at 7 PM.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:11 PM 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Board Meeting: 3/14/2012
We do not have enough members to have a quorum for a board meeting.  A additional board meeting may be called if necessary.  A board meeting was conducted with nothing to vote on. 
Gary Carini and Tom Witkowski will work on the board of the Miracle League.
We do not have an official number for monies raised from the Christmas Tree Sale.  LP Anne will call Lion Sean to get an exact number. 
Lion Paul – A recipient for the Melvin Jones Award was selected by the committee with the award to be presented at Installation Meeting on June 13, 2012.
Uplinger Committee will meet when Lion Diane returns.
Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded by Lion Dave, meeting adjourned 9:04 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Board Meeting of 3/28/2012.
    The Grand Island Lions BOD met at our March 28th Merritton Joint meeting and voted to accept the slate of officers presented to the club at our March 14th meeting (See Meeting minutes of 3/14). The motion was moved by Lion Bassette and seconded by Lion Rusert. Approval was unanimous. Board members attending were Lions Crawford , Fahning, Chervinsky, Rimes, Ackerman, Witkowski, Bassette, Lobl, Ruocco and Rusert.
Respectively Submitted,  Lion Dave Chervinsky

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
April 25, 2012

Attendance: (11  in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette,  Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee, Diane Dubiel, Gerry Dubiel, Al Ackerman, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski.
Lion President Ann Fahning called the meeting to order at 8:47 PM.
Items for discussion:
Sightless Bowlers:    Lion Annette has received a solicitation for an ad.  We will sponsor this request. This will go to the financial committee.  Motion was made
Graffiti Busters:  Lion Dick C.  DeRubes triplets who are 10th graders at GIHS brought up the concept of Graffiti Busters.  The concept was brought to One Island One Dream One Team. The main issue to be addressed was insurance issues.  We should be covered by members and volunteers through the LCI as a supplemental.  Releases would have to signed by both parties that are involved in the graffiti busters.  Re-occuring events such as this would require supplemental insurance as it involves an ongoing program at different locations.  Lions would need a host to supervise each activity.  If we consider this as a project our club needs to purchase supplemental insurance. 
· Start up cost:  minimal with help the Town of Grand Island
· Ask the Derubes boys to present at our May 9th meeting.
· We need to find out some specifics.  The boys will only be around for 2 more years, what would happen after this time frame?  Would the school be involved? Supplemental insurance LCI  $100k is about $300/year.
· One Island, One Dream , One Team would also be able offer support for supervision.
Lion Henry made a motion that we as a board approve the purchase of a maximum of $500 for supplemental insurance.  Seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor, motion passed.
Miracle League update:  We were asked by the Miracle League board to donate $3000 for security cameras as there has already been vandalism at the park. There is a question on whether this is humanitarian effort?  The general consensus is that this is not something that the Lions want to get involved in.  As a club we could sponsor a team.  As it stands the GILC has not made a club donation.  Lion Tom will find out what kind of specific need ML has.
Robert J. Uplinger Award Committee:  Lion Paul – could Lion Ann, Lion Tom, Lion Diane and Lion Dave meet after the May 9th meeting rather than trying to find separate date?  Yes, this will done after the May 9th meeting.
Widows:  Should we continue to ask the widows to still attend the last meeting.  Yes extend the invitation.
Motion to adjourn at Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Tom W.  meeting adjourned 9:27 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club BOD Meeting May 23, 2012  
Attendance: (11 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Gerry Dubiel, Brooks Rimes, Dick Crawford,  Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 8:42 PM.
Meals on Wheels:  Donation to help sponsor the meals for those in need.  Currently meals are $3.00.  Some people run out of money at the end of the month so that meals are a hardship.  Lion Annette:  Motion that the club help with a donation of $100 to the Golden Age Center at the discretion of the director Barb Gannon to be used for Meals on Wheels with the provision that we get a quarterly report on how much money is used.  Seconded by Lion Paul.  Discussion: The money will go in an account with the director of the Golden Age Center Barb Gannon.  A letter can be posted on the bulletin board.
Budget Items:  Lion Dick.  Donations out of our Welfare Budget.  Some of these items were previously passed. 
Post Prom Party:  We received a letter for a money donation to support the Post Prom Party.  Request for a donation.  Lion Dick made a motion that we donate $200.  Discussion.  Seconded Lion Brooks.  Motion passed.
Library:  Large print books, photos taken 2 weeks ago. $1000 already budgeted.
SABAH:   $100.
Lions All State Football Program:  Kenningston Lions Club $25 request for an ad.
Canine Helpers:  We would like to support a particular person.  Lion Henry will look into this.
Ray Wheeler Foundation:  All clubs are assessed .50 cents a member.  Our club has received matching funds.  Motion: Lion Paul We will allocate $100 this year.  Seconded by Lion Gerry, All in favor.
Vincent Quarantello:  Request for IPad to help in his communication.  Discussion.  Some members are willing to entertain sharing the expense with other service clubs $200.  Is this in our overall mission to help individuals with the full amount.  Motion:  Lion Gerry that we go in 1/3 with the other service groups up to a maximum of $200  Seconded by Lion Tom.  Discussion:  Rotary, Zonta and Lions Club.
Memorial Scholarship:
2013 Kaiser/Pollack deplete the fund of $1500 for next year.  Should we have a fundraiser for the $2000.  No new monies have come in the last 4 years.  In the future, money will be taken from the welfare fund.
The 2013 budget will be forthcoming.
Next board meeting:  Notices to be sent out.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Jerry, seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:21 PM 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
Editors Addition: On Tuesday May 29th the BOD considered an Emailed vote as follows:
The motion to support Graffiti Buster has passed. In favor: Donna,Dick, Shelia,Henry, Annette, Fred, Tom W. and Dave. I did not hear from Paul or Al.  Lion President Anne

Grand Island Lions Club Board of
Directors Meeting June 26, 2012
Attendance: ( in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom Rusert, Brooks Rimes, Shelia Ferrentino Donna Lavallee. Guests Stu Lavallee, Midge Hasselbeck, Diana Witkowski, Brenda Rimes, Bob Fahning
Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 6:38 PM.
Lion Anne held the induction of Lion Tom as Lion Paul and Lion Dick could not be here tonight.
International Dues have gone up $2.  Most people have already paid their dues so should we ask members for $2 or is it possible that the club can cover the extra $2.  International dues are approximately $20.  Options:
Members that have not paid add $2
Motion by Lion Tom that we take it out of the treasury and hold a separate split club.  Discussion:  the regulars will be paying this.  Motion:  Lion Brooks.  The club pays for the increase in the budget this one time and let the membership at large know that next year there will be an increase.  Seconded by Lion Al;  discussion:  all in favor, motion passed.
Dropping members that have not paid as of July 1, 2012.  We have to officially notify members that have not paid their dues.  International dues are due by the end of June.  Notification by regular mail is required.  Bylaws say that members can be reinstated within 6 months.  Shelia offered to call those members that have not paid.  David Chervinsky will send Annette a reminder notice.  Reminder notices will be sent out snail mail so that members that still owe their dues.              
4th of July parade:  Members that plan on marching need to meet around 8:30, location on where to meet will be on the isle de grande.  Lion Dave will look it up and email everyone so that we know where to meet.  Lion Donna will find someone to be in the costume.  We have 2 cars.
PR committee:  Lion Tom shared a PR pamphlet from LCIF there are some good ideas in this.
Abbreviated minutes to be provided to isle de grande:  Suggestion by Dave that he would edit the minutes in a form that would be suitable for submission.  Lion Mike wanted to make sure that we weren’t sharing information that would be club sensitive.  New president could set up committees that would be able to promote the club more effectively. 
1812 anniversary from the Town of Lewiston would like area volunteer organizations to help host this event.  The weekend is October 13, 2012.  Lion Anne passed around an information on possible ways to help.  The organizers need to be notified by today.  We will volunteer to do the pig roast.
Lion Annette:  There is questionable issue on the definition of perfect attendance.  Annette’s research states that someone is excused that they will not be at the meeting for another commitment, volunteer or family reasons or if they attend another Lions Club meeting.  How do we handle this situation in regards to perfect attendance.  Lion Tom will look into this further. 
Lion Anne held the installation of Lion Tom on the bow of the boat.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Al seconded by Lion Shelia.
Meeting adjourned 7:25 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
July 25, 2012

Attendance: (11 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco.
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 6:47 PM.
Items for discussion:
MD20 dues  $378, Lion Dick will send check
20n Leadership training:  Any member can attend the club will pay the $20 fee.  Lion Tom is a speaker and Lion Annette will go as secretary.  An email will be sent to the members to see if others are interested in attending the training.
Wendy’s fundraiser 8/14/12 from 4-8PM.  Volunteers are needed. There will be a club wide email.  Lion Annette will see if discounts can be handed out at the door.
White cane fundraiser:  8/24-8/25/12 Lion Henry is chairing this event.  9am-6 pm First Niagara, Tops and M & T Bank.  A sign up sheet through email will be available.  Intersection of Staley and Stony Point on Friday.  We will try to fill as many slots as possible, youth is a possibility. Lion Dave will do the photography, Lion Dick will contact any youth interested and helping LP Tom with an article for the Dispatch.
Perfect Attendance criteria:  LP Tom has checked 3 sources and will check with the standard by-laws.  Attending the meeting of the club for 12 consecutive months, make up meetings are accepted.  Tom will research. The GI club will devise its own set of rules and regulations for perfect attendance.  LP Tom will send out recommendations via email.
Outstanding dues.  There are several members that have yet to pay.  LCIF $20.50 State receives $9 the club receives the rest. There are some issues on members who pay dues but contribute very little to the club.  Our motto is to serve; maybe there should be a minimum service requirement.  LP Tom discusses the some clubs supplement the dues with the individual's level of service.  LP Tom with research this with LCIF and South Buffalo Lackawanna.
Future July 4th parades.  Idea was shared that Tom and Lion Paul that we could have two wheelchairs to collect eyeglasses and hearing aids, promote it before the parade.  Another PR plus for the club.  Flags, we need two eagles.  Lion Fred may have some flags at home with eagles he will check.
Graffiti Busters Project: Dick, We will set up a meeting with the one island representative, the DeRubes, the club.  Club representatives are Dick C, Anne, Donna, Fred, and Shelia.  The specifics will be discussed, 2 different permission slips, attorney for the town, for the volunteers and the property that is being worked on.  The kick off will be in September.  A committee report update will be at one of the September meetings.
2012-2013 Budget Presented by Lion Dick.  The only major change is to reduce the profit from the spaghetti dinner from $5k to $4k.  This has been counterbalanced by the Christmas tree sale.  Wendy’s fundraiser should be added in as we generate some income from that endeavor.  Donations to be removed, as they are never predictable.   The new owner of GI Optical continue with the same program that Lou Macro.  Perhaps we could invite him to a meeting to introduce him to the club.  Minor changes were made to the budget, large print books to $500. 
Memorial Scholarship account will be closed and the money will come from the welfare fund. 
PR Items:  Nothing appeared in the paper regarding installation of new officers.  LP Tom will contact Mike to see his continued interest.  Perhaps a new chairperson for PR will increase our clubs visibility.   An ongoing article in the Island Dispatch for the loan closet.
Ray Wheeler application:  LP Tom.  For Vision Beyond Sight.  We will wait for the approval then the check will be issued.  One $500 will be for the glaucoma machine and the other $500 for follow up care for VBS humanitarian fund.
LCIF:  readjusted for $779; 36 members and 4 family members.  The check will be sent.
Neighbors 4 Sight foundations; form letter or you can mail or hand write it out, then the monies can be sent directly to VBSF.  The club will get credit for monies that are generated.  LP Tom will be looking for participation from club members, donation are the stamps.  The forms are mailed to neighbors.
2nd VP nominations:  Lion Donna accepted the position.
Tree Plantings:  Lion Dick.  A motion was made:  Lion Anne moved that we budgeted $250 for the “retree” WNY, seconded by Lion Dave.  All in favor.  Motion passed.  Lion Dick will make out the check.
Membership Chairperson;  LP Tom did research on the membership chairperson that is an appointed position and it is also a board position.  A membership chairperson is needed; a job description is needed so that the individual has the proper expectations.  Lion Paul will be a valuable source for info.
CROP walk:  LP Tom; This a fundraiser to combat world hunger.  50% of the money stays locally and 50% goes to world hunger.  This year’s event will be on October 14, 2012.  Help is needed to post signs.
1812 200 year celebration in Lewiston NY.  The club has volunteered 10 individuals to man the hospitality tent from 4-8 PM.  This will be during the time of the Pig Roast.
Club Constitution:  LP Tom will look into pertinent items for discussion
Correspondence:  None
Meeting date for August Board Meeting 8/22/12.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Anne seconded by Lion Brooks:  Meeting adjourned: 8:32 PM
Submitted By Lion Donna Lavallee
Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting 8/22/2012
Attendance: (10 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee,
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 6:41 PM.
Amendments to the attendance- Lion Tom Rusert and Lion Brooks were omitted from the roster.  They will be added.
Items for discussion:
Old Business
1. Old Business:  MD 20 dues are paid.
2. Leadership Training AL and TW AL attended the secretary and TW club relevance.
3. Webinar's through LCIF are free, you sign up and receive a code and you can take a course.
4. Wendy’ Fundraiser; 15% of sales goes to our club.  The patrons must hand in the flier Tuesday 8/28, Lions Tom, Lion Anne, Lions Henry and Annette, Mike Steinagel.
5. Perfect attendance- Tom has gone thru 3 perfect attendance manuals.  Perfect Attendance will be for persons who have attended all meetings designated by the club.  However, clubs can modify the credits as they see fit.  Comments were that events (activity or fundraiser, i.e. spaghetti dinner, white cane sale, BonTon, Wendy’s, SKP) should count for a missed meeting.  The chairman of the event should hand a list of the people who participated.  The list will be submitted to the Corresponding secretary.  Lion Dick will draft a excel sheet to include the activities and attendance for fundraisers and meetings.  Lion Dave will post this in the newsletter.  Going to a board meeting may count for those members that are not on the board.  Motion:  Perfect Attendance can be made up from meetings and fundraisers or official Lions function.  Lion Dick will formulate a spreadsheet to tabulate this.  There are 17 meetings per Lion Calendar year.
6. Lewiston Town 1812 celebration Saturday 10/13 at the Hospitality tent in the park from 4-8PM.  Our club has volunteered 10 persons to help with a pig roast.
7. Collection eyeglasses at the July 4th parade.  Lion Fred did not have the flags.  He will look into what is appropriate for the Canadian flag.  Lion Dave will take care of obtaining the eagles for our flags.
8. Graffiti Busters.  Meeting coming up on August 30 at the GI Town Hall at 4 PM., to look at insurance and the general logistics.  Graffiti task force for WNY.  The DeRubes family presented at this task force and will present their information at this meeting as well.  Insurance:  $300 is allocated for this.  This will be for a 1 yr trial period.
9. Budget:  The revised budget was emailed to everyone from Lion Dick.  The welfare budget is $150 to the good.  The general account has approximately $1050.  See attached sheet for further details.
10. PR chair.  Tom Witkowski has yet to speak to Mike Steinagel.  He will make every attempt to get this done in the next month.  Lion Annette has spoken to Lion Mike that Lion Dave has been submitting articles.  Lion Dave will contact Lion Mike for LP Tom.  Lion Dave will ask him to co-chair this with him.   Motion:  Lion Annette: The club forward the newsletter to Isle de Grand and the GI dispatch to share with the community, seconded by Lion Brooks, all in favor, motion passed.
11. Vision Beyond Sight (VBS):  Originally to raise $400,000 the impetuses is to raise $500,000 for the VBS.  There is a list of 63 grants that are not in conflict with the Ross Eye Institute or UB. The funding will be for new equipment.  Last year 27k persons were helped.   Our checks from Ray Wheeler will go for this.
12. Dues statements:  Both are paid, LCIF and district 20N have been paid $821 LCIF $378 to district 20N.  There may be credits for family membership13. Neighbors for Sight Foundation.  We will be getting information sometime in September.  We will be getting fundraising letters for distribution for our neighbors. 
14. Lion Tom will be club secretary when Lion Donna is president.
15. Re-tree:  our club allocated $250 for this cause.  Lion Dick is waiting for Re-Tree to tell him who to send a check to.
16. Membership chair:  LP Tom will forward our GILC constitution.  The LCIF constitution mentions the duties of the membership chair.  The last revision of GILC constitution was revised in 2009.  Board members should read the constitution, and then we need to write up a description of the job duties for the nominating chairperson. Ideas; One year past president be the nominating chairperson.  This idea could be in the current president becomes the past president then the nominating chairperson.  We need more involvement from the club.  Opinion; the current president should ask someone to serve in this position.  This is not an elected position.  The nominating committee may recommend a membership chairman and the incoming LP will approach the membership and make a formal appointment.  The membership will remain an appointed position and a member of the board.
17. CROP walk Oct 14th, Sunday.  Help need to help plant signs.  Lion Henry will help LP Tom
18. No correspondence at last meeting.
New Business:
1. Scooter certification.  We decided that a motorized scooter would need to be inspected.  Craigslist the scooters listing for these items.  To sell them “as is”.  The loan closet is getting full again.  NO storage of carbonated beverages.  We should schedule a workday to go through all of these.
2. Lion Mike is the Sunshine Chair.  LP Tom thought we should have cards for the ready.
3. GILC qualifies for the Club Excellence award.  This will presented at the first general meeting.  Monday Mary Jo Tucker and Lion Dick will be meeting with the Holiday Inn for pricing for the 2012-2013 club.  They will have a second meeting with the BLC.  A consideration is to meet at River Oaks. 
4. 20N Golf Outing was held; we paid for the Hole $25.  Monies are owed to Lion Annette.
5. Little Valley 5k fundraiser.  Sunday 9/ 23/12.  They will fund VBS and canine helpers.  LP asked if we could designate where the monies will go.  He has yet to her back for the chairperson.
6. DG news correction, that would mean a reimbursement for funds overpaid.  We need to know if we will receive a credit.
7. 100% secretary’s award at the Leadership meeting.  This needs to be signed by PLP Anne. This has been signed.
8. PDG leadership award documentation.  Nominations need to be sent by 12/4/12.  Forms were made available and these forms will be given to Paul Bassette.
9. Chamber of Commerce information has been changed and will be submitted.  Lion Dave has changed the presidents and 1st vice presidents names.  These will be submitted.
Meeting date for September General Meeting 9/12/12, 7 PM at the Holiday Inn.
Next Board Meeting September 26, 2012.
The first meeting we will discuss club business.
6 speakers are lined up to speak this year.
1st speaker is Lynn Weber regarding special places that redesign unique spaces for kids that are at ill.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Anne seconded by Lion Brooks:  Meeting adjourned: 8:22 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting October 24, 2012
Attendance: (9 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky,  Donna Lavallee,  Tom Witkowski,  Al Ackerman, Norm Hahn, Brooks Rimes.
The meeting minutes from tonight’s general meeting were read aloud, amended and approved.
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 9:03 PM.
BonTon Books:  Motion:  There have been 52 books sold so far.  We need to sell 75 books in order to meet the minimum amount to receive funding from the  overall sales.  Motion Lion Dick That the club purchase the remaining books by early November.  Seconded by Lion Norm.  All in favor. 
Via email:  Lion Annette is not in favor of contributing to the D20 N Kids Christmas party.  We hold our special event each summer for kids.  Last year we each brought an unwrapped toy to go to the GI Neighbors foundation.  Motion:  LP Tom: that the GI Lion Club not send money to the D20 N Christmas party.  Seconded by Lion Norm.  All in favor.  Motion passed.
Lion Dick:  Lion Dave was thanked for his new Directory.  Changes were
Past president John Gilmore is deceased
Lion Al Ackerman’s middle initial is W.
Motion to adjourn Lion Henry, seconded Lion Al, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:12 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting November 28, 2012
Attendance: (11 in attendance) Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky,  Donna Lavallee,  Tom Witkowski, Norm Hahn, Brooks Rimes.
Lion President Tom Witkowski called the meeting to order at 8:52 PM.
New Business:  Lion Tom: 
Excaliber:  There is a need for boat modification.  We normally send them $500 annually, it is in the budget and will be sent out to them this week. 
Brandel Murphy Super Bowl tickets; Tickets are 6 tickets for $100.  A motion was made to by Lion Norm that our club purchase the 6 tickets seconded by Lion Annette.  All in favor.  Part of the money raised goes to grants.  If we participate we can request a grant of somewhere between $1250-$2000.  Members should think about what type of monies are needed then we can apply for a grant.
Pendelton Lions have a basketball tournament.  We have a request to place an ad for either full page $100, half page $60, quarter page $35.  We have discussed as a club we will not donate to causes that we give directly to.  The proceeds for the program go to VBS.  We could just give directly to VBS.
Braille Group of Buffalo:  The organization used to hand type books.  A motion to donate $100 by Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor, motion passed’
Golden Age Games:  Volunteers are need  May30 – June 4, 2013, more than 800 veteran athletes will participate.  Donations are welcome to the VA health care.  Our club will forgo this as it is a federal program, however, club members can volunteer if they desire.
Canine Companions are in need of people to help raise puppies.  They are located in Medford NY.  This information will be put in the newsletter.
 For the good of the club.  Marlene McCarthy continues to suffer falls.  The club will send a well wishes card.
Motion to adjourn Lion Dave, seconded Lion Henry, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:09 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
